I'm actually really upset we're not having class anymore because in the process of writing/revising my depth story I believe I've found another one of my codes. It seems that I like to switch back in forth between past and present tense. It usually happens whenever I'm quoting someone and instead of saying "said" I'll say "says" or "explains" instead of "explained," but it happens in other places too. I really don't realize that I do it because I think I just get caught up in my writing and its not brought to my attention until someone points it out to me.
When I first saw it I didn't think it was too big of a deal but after mulling it over I realize that it definitely has a negative effect on my writing. Switching back and forth between tenses can confuse the reader which is a big no-no as it takes away from he impact of my reporting. I'm going to try to pay more attention to when I quote people from now on to make sure I'm using the correct tense.
Hey, this is great. Donna