Tuesday, May 1, 2012

AP Style...The Bane of My Existence

by Tom Mullen

So I always try to be good with my AP Style. I first started realizing how many rules there are last year when I took newswriting. Who knew all these little things can make such a big difference? The thing is, no matter how hard I try I seem to always make some kind of style error in my writing. There's just so many rules to remember I just can't fit them all into my brain. Sometimes its even the most basic ones like how numbers need to be written or when to whether or not to use a percent symbol or dollar sign.

Is my memory just bad? Do any of you guys ever have a hard time with these style errors. I'm glad that Donna always marks them down when she sees them because I know that If they go unchecked they'll just get worse. Overall I know its just helping me to be a better writer. I just wish there weren't so many rules.

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