by Colleen Canty
Being old is so boring.
After both the board of education and city council meetings,
I contemplated crashing my bike on the way home to get out of writing about
At the BOE meeting I listened to so and so drone on and on
(3 ½ hours, to be exact) about grilled
cheese and chocolate milk -- which, while this delectable duo makes for an
incredible meal, makes for an incredibly dreary meeting and following story.
And then there was the city council meeting, which felt like
one of those awkward, PTA mom battles that I used to witness in elementary
school. So and so thinks this and so and so thinks that and everyone thinks
what they’re talking about is more important than what everyone else is.
What the heck am I supposed to write about?
When I finally sat down to write, I elaborated tenfold on
one aspect of the meetings. It was all I could do to crank out a complete
article. And I couldn’t help but think I was portraying relatively trivial
matters as important enough for a 600-word news article -- which is misleading
readers, isn’t it?
I never want to cover any sort of meeting again.
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