Thursday, April 26, 2012

On being a sad journalist

Sometimes I get sad about journalism. Sometimes I feel doomed to a life of excessive stress, long hours and tons of cats. I question the work I’m doing in school to obtain a degree in this field that is hard to break into and even harder to make an actual living in. But through all my worries and woes, I do see the gifts pursuing a degree in journalism have given me. Here are things a journalist can do that other people can’t:

-Talk to people (we are very socially apt beings)
-Write above a 10th grade English level
-Be creative, be serious, be critical, be inspiring (all at once!)
-Learn stuff. All the time. No restrictions to what, from who or how much.

Double yeah!


  1. Also, journalists have the biggest vocabulary of any other career field.


  2. and the more words you have, the better you can express yourself. maybe the most important thing to value. good point!

