Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Careful, The Board Will Bite Back

By Chris Lindsey
From debating about Colorado State University’s new stadium to a listening to a bitter citizen who lost an election, the Fort Collins City Council meeting was far from arid.
The Colorado State University stadium proposal was one topic addressed by citizen input.  The proposal is to build a new stadium on campus.  One Fort Collins resident, Deb James, commented on how there are petitions going for both sides; determining whether people are for or against the new stadium. 
Two citizens informed the council that stadium Advisory Committee is open to the public, however the meetings of the subcommittees are private. 
            Deputy City Manager Diane Jones said the stadium’s advisory committee is open to the public and has online surveys and suggestion boxes.  There will be a meeting about the stadium on the 29th of March to discuss the stadium and the subcommittee will attend.  Council Member Gerry Horak asked Jones how else to contact the subcommittees.  She informed him that the subcommittees do not communicate with the advisory committee or the public except for meetings it is scheduled to.  Horak said if the subcommittees remains private and isn’t discussed then the Colorado State system might be broken.  He determined that on the meeting of the 29th the private subcommittee meetings need to be discussed and should be open to the public.
            The other main topic of the meeting had to do with a code of ethics violation.  On January 13, 2012, David Bell filed a complaint against Gino Campana.  Campana is a member of the Planning and Zoning Board and the complaint was about a Land Use Code referring to buffer zones along rivers.  Bell said Campana should have recused himself so he wouldn’t seem biased because he is a land developer negotiating the purchase of land along the Poudre River.  A citizen came to address this issue, Eric Sutherland.  Sutherland ran for Mayor in 2011 against Karen Weitkunat (who was present and the meeting) and lost; according to the press, he is still bitter towards the council.  When he started to speak he immediately threw a red herring, a fallacy of changing the topic.  He brought up the issue of how ethical the board is, making accusations of the City Manager Darin Atteberry’s breaking the law in August 2011.  Mayor Weitkunat had to try very hard to keep him on topic, but he didn’t listen very well.  He ended by proclaiming he had his own ethics complaint of the board.  Sutherland’s speech and claims appeared to not faze the board as he stormed out of the building.
            Council Member Ben Manvel said how the board had taken several meetings and hours in determining the resolution’s outcome.  After reviewing rules and ethics they determined it was not a breach of ethics, although Campana still should have recused himself because of his position.  Manvel expressed how he felt it was unnecessary to put all the time into this case and that the board should have some sort of training for the Planning and Zoning Board to avoid a situation like this in the future.

City of Fort Collins Board
Deb James
Diane Jones
Eric Sutherland

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